Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Skill listings

Skills Listing

Combat skills:

One handed Ranged:

1 point: Allows use of “Crude” level weapons. These must be pre-loaded by someone else and you cannot reload them yourself. You may still cock/prime weapons, just not load the bullets
2 points: Allows you to reload one-handed ranged weapons. Allows use of 2 throwing knives/axes.
3 points: Allows the use of “Worn” level one handed weapons. May now use 4 throwing knives/axes.
4 points: Allows the use of disc weaponry “Rail tech”. Also allows the use of non-standard clips or “Strapped mags” Allows the use of small shields or bucklers
5 points: Allows the use of “Standard Issue” one handed weapons. May now use 6 throwing knives/axes.
6 points: Allows the use of a targe Small shield strapped to arm
7 points: Allows the use of “Prototype” one handed weapons. Allows use of “Armour piercers” critical rounds
8 points: Allows the use of a Riot shield (Also requires Heavy Rigs 3)
9 points: Allows the use of “Arbiter” one handed weapons  *Requires access to Arbiter mainframe
10 points: *Unknown

Two handed Ranged:

1 point: Allows use of “Crude” level weapons. These must be pre-loaded by someone else and you cannot reload them yourself. You may still cock/prime weapons, just not load the bullets
2 points: Allows you to reload two-handed ranged weapons.
3 points: Allows the use of “Worn” level two handed weapons. Also allows the use of grenades
4 points: Allows the use of disc weaponry “Rail tech”. Also allows the use of non-standard clips or “Strapped mags”
5 points: Allows the use of “Standard Issue” two handed weapons.
6 points: Allows the use of a targe Small shield strapped to arm
7 points: Allows the use of “Prototype” two handed weapons. Allows use of “Armour piercers” critical rounds
8 points: Allows the use of a Riot shield (Also requires heavy Rigs 3)
9 points: Allows the use of “Arbiter” two handed weapons  *Requires access to Arbiter mainframe
10 points: *Unknown

One handed Melee:

1 point: Allows the use of “Crude” level one handed melee weapons
2 points: Allows the use of grenades
3 points: Allows the use of “Worn” level one handed melee weapons
4 points: Allows you to use a small buckler or shield in one hand
5 points: Allows the use of “Standard Issue” one handed melee weapons.
6 points: Allows the use of a targe Small shield strapped to arm or a Medium Sized Shield
7 points: Allows the use of “Prototype” one handed melee weapons.
8 points: Allows the use of a Riot shield (Also requires heavy Rigs 3) OR Allows the use of a fully powered arm guard on one of the forward arms. See special rules below
9 points: Allows the use of “Arbiter” one handed melee weapons *Requires access to Arbiter mainframe
10 points: *Unknown

Two handed Melee:

1 point: Allows the use of “Crude” level two handed melee weapons
2 points: Allows the use of Lvl 1 grenades
3 points: Allows the use of “Worn” level two handed melee weapons
4 points: Allows the use of a targe Small shield strapped to arm
5 points: Allows the use of “Standard Issue” two handed weapons.
6 points: Allows the use of powered weapons. These may call other types of damage
7 points: Allows the use of “Prototype” two handed weapons.
8 points: Allows the use of a fully powered arm guard on the forward arm. See special rule on powered armguard below
9 points: Allows the use of “Arbiter” two handed weapons  *Requires access to Arbiter mainframe
10 points: *Unknown

Light Rigs:

1 point: Allows the use of “Crude” level Light Rigs
2 points: Allows the use of Custom/special rigs
3 points: Allows the use of “Worn” level Light Rigs
4 points: Allows the use of Armstech rig augments
5 points: Allows the use of “Standard Issue” level Light Rigs
6 points: Allows the use of Rigs labelled HAZMAT. HAZMAT rigs have special rules detailed on the card
7 points: Allows the use of “Prototype” level Light Rigs
8 points: Allows the use of rigs labelled INFIL. Infil rigs have special rules detailed on the card
9 points: Allows the use of “Arbiter” Level Light Rigs
10 points: *Unknown

Heavy Rigs:

1 point: Allows the use of “Crude” level Heavy Rigs
2 points: Allows the use of Custom/special rigs
3 points: Allows the use of “Worn” level Heavy Rigs (Prequisite skill for Riot Shields)
4 points: Allows the use of Armstech rig augments
5 points: Allows the use of “Standard Issue” level Heavy Rigs
6 points: Allows the use of Rigs labelled CONSTRUCTION. Construction rigs have special rules detailed on the card
7 points: Allows the use of “Prototype” level Heavy Rigs
8 points: Allows the use of rigs labelled ATMOS. ATMOS rigs have special rules detailed on the card
9 points: Allows the use of “Arbiter” Level Heavy Rigs
10 points: *Unknown

Career skills:


1 point: Allows you to Use “Crude” level components to craft augments
2 points: Allows you to use the “Appraise” skill to analyse components or biotech-related aspect to find their uses/purpose. Your appraise level is one
3 points: Allows you to Use “Worn” level components to craft augments. You may also use the “Diagnose” skill on anything relating to biotech. Eg Enemies, mutants. Your diagnose level is one
4 points: Your “Appraise” level is now 2. You now have a small chance of recovering a component when you craft using a recipe. You have a small chance of recovering a Quickstim when you fail a craft
5 points: Allows the use of “Standard Issue” level components to craft augments.
6 points: Your Diagnose skill is now 2. You now have a chance of crafting a random stim per Downtime
7 points: Allows the use of “Prototype” level components to craft augments
8 points:  Your Appraise skill is now 3. You may now perform surgeries on participants using surgery upgrades unassisted.
9 points: Allows the crafting of Hidden Tech tree recipes. Experimentation is only way of discovery. Diagnose skill is now 3
10 points: *Unknown


1 point: Allows you to Use “Crude” level components to craft augments
2 points: Allows you to use the “Appraise” skill to analyse components or Armstech-related aspect to find their uses/purpose. Your appraise level is one
3 points: Allows you to Use “Worn” level components to craft augments. You may also use the “Tinker” skill on anything Armstech, eg sentry turrets or Mines. Your Tinker level is one
4 points: Your “Appraise” level is now 2. You now have a small chance of recovering a component when you craft using a recipe. You have a small chance of recovering rounds when you fail a craft
5 points: Allows the use of “Standard Issue” level components to craft augments.
6 points: Your Tinker skill is now 2. You now have a chance of crafting a random grenade or mine per Downtime
7 points: Allows the use of “Prototype” level components to craft augments
8 points:  Your Appraise skill is now 3. You may now create armstech surgery mods using diagrams.
9 points: Allows the crafting of Hidden Tech tree recipes. Experimentation is only way of discovery. Tinker skill is now 3
10 points: *Unknown


1 point: Allows you to Use “Crude” level components to craft augments
2 points: Allows you to use the “Appraise” skill to analyse components or cybertech-related aspect to find their uses/purpose. Your appraise level is one
3 points: Allows you to Use “Worn” level components to craft augments. You may also use the “Hack” skill on certain objectives. Your Hack level is one
4 points: Your “Appraise” level is now 2. You now have a small chance of recovering a component when you craft using a recipe. You have a small chance of recovering a Computer spike when you fail a craft
5 points: Allows the use of “Standard Issue” level components to craft augments.
6 points: Your Hack skill is now 2. You now have a chance of crafting a random virus per Downtime
7 points: Allows the use of “Prototype” level components to craft augments
8 points:  Your Appraise skill is now 3. You may now create Cybertech surgery mods using diagrams.
9 points: Allows the crafting of Hidden Tech tree. Experimentation is only way of discovery. Hack skill is now 3
10 points: *Unknown


1 point: Allows you to “Staunch” the wounds of a downed party member, allowing them a greater chance of survival after a fight. You have a staunch level of one, lowering chances of injury.
2 points: Roleplaying for 20 seconds to a friendly who is still active will restore 1 hit.
3 points: Allows you to apply a Quickstim. Quickstims are available from the merchant or Biotech crafting and are used to instantly pick-up a fallen member, restoring them to 2 hitpoints. You can carry two
4 points: Shaves 5 seconds from a staunch and allows you to carry extra Quickstim
5 Points: Shaves 5 seconds from a heal. Also allows the use of Hyper-stims, These act as Quick-stims but heal onto 4
6 Points: During Surgeries, having you on standby decreases the chances of rejection by the host. You get a repick of the beadpull when carrying out surgeries
7 Points: Allows you to apply biotech upgrades such as radiation medicine and injury packs during an engagement, this takes 30 seconds of roleplay to do.
8 points: Allows you to apply a quickstim to yourself once per event if downed
9 points: Shaves a further 5 points off of both Staunch and Heal
10 points: *Unknown


1 point: You have an “Intel” level of one.
2 points: You start with one “Reinforcement” order per event. Reinforcements will be volunteers from the safe-zone. These can be used during territory missions
3 points: You have an “Intel” level of two.
4 points: You now start an event with a “Recovery” order. This will be an Arbiter recovery squad. These can be used during Territory missions
5 points: You may now swap either of the orders per event for the other. Meaning you can either reinforce or recover twice per event
6 points: You have an Intel level of three. You may now “Intel gather” to find out small amounts of information about enemy movements. Ask the ref in charge
7 points: You now start with 3 orders per event. You may now also sent in a scout through the door before combat begins to find out information.
8 points: You gain a single Faction-specific Order you can use on the map per event.
9 points: You start with an Intel level of 4. Instead of the scout, you may send two attackers in through a different entrance.
10 points: *Unknown

Active Skills:

Certain skills are used actively in the game according to your skills. These are listed here.

"Appraise": By appraising a component, you may look into what the component is, what it does and with what tech it is used. If it is of a tech you do not have any skill in, you only find out its description. Take the component to the tech-bench and wait till a ref appears. Tell the ref your appraise skill is and in what tech it is, hand over the lammy and they will tell you what you have found out.

“Diagnose”: Diagnose is a skill you use whilst in the arena. Go to whatever you are trying to diagnose and motion over a ref or shout “Diagnosing”. Role-play for 60 seconds and then tell the ref your diagnosing level. He will either tell you there or back in the briefing room depending on complexity. You cannot make any other actions whilst diagnosing, moving, using a skill or using a weapon will reset the diagnosis.

“Tinker”: Tinker is a skill you use whilst in the arena. Go to whatever you are trying to tinker with and motion over a ref or shout “Tinkering”. Role-play for 60 seconds and then tell the ref your Tinkering level. He will either tell you there or back in the briefing room depending on complexity. You cannot make any other actions whilst tinkering, moving, using a skill or using a weapon will reset the tinker.

“Hack”: Hack is a skill you use whilst in the arena. Go to whatever you are trying to Hack and motion over a ref or shout “Hacking”. Role-play for 60 seconds and then tell the ref your hacking level. He will either tell you there or back in the briefing room depending on complexity. You cannot make any other actions whilst hacking, moving, using a skill or using a weapon will reset the hack.

“Staunch”: In order to staunch a downed friendly, go over to them and roleplay for 20 seconds staunching, or applying pressure to, a wound. Then, when the match is finished, point out to the ref in the briefing room which ones have been staunched. This allows modifiers to be applied to the draw

“Quick-stim”: To apply a quickstim, simply go over to a downed friendly and roleplay administering a stim for 10 seconds. This will pick him up and give him 2 hitpoints back. If he takes two further his, he will be downed again. If you do a staunch prior to the quickstim and he is downed again, you will be required to reapply the staunch or it will not take effect. Other stims are available


All Shields used in Hive must be of LARPsafe quality, basic foam and latex construction. Consult with the skill chart above to see which shields you are able to use. The Measurements for shields relative to skill are listed below.

If a shield is hit by any darts, you take no Damage. However, if a shield is hit by either a CRITICAL or a RAVAGE call, you dont take the effects but the shield is temporarily damaged and cannot be used, it must be immediately discarded until the end of the fight. It can then be repaired by an Armstech character using the Tinker skill for 3 minutes.

  • Small Shield/ Targe: 15 Inches/ 40 cm
  • Medium Shield: 40 Inches/100 cm Diameter
  • Riot Shield: 48 Inches by 24 Inches
Powered armguard. This is a special piece of equipment that can be used in-game but must be acquired to do so. It allows one arm to be equipped to be able to take no damage if hit by a melee weapon. Bullets still take effect on the user as normal. This cannot be used in tandem with a shield, it must be one or the other. The Phys rep Must come up to past the elbow and must look sufficiently armoured, Tactical gear or otherwise are acceptable

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